Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Planning to kill my bird, interesting way to start a post...but right now it's the predominant thought in my brain...why you ask, because he will not stop screaming, the spoilt brat that he is. (facepalm) Anyway, moving onto to more interesting things, i do believe that i am finally over my ex, moving onto bigger and better things.  My question for you is : How do you know how to handle guys, because they're as confused as us i think, we fought so hard to be regarded as equals, that we have no made a bit of a mess when it comes to dating, because most guys no longer act like gentleman for the fear of a good talking to because some women find it insulting when, for example, the guy offers to pay for that lovely dinner.  So the thing is, who does the chasing now? Who makes the effort to talk to the other, or is it still the girl's job to be the one that is chased, 'woo-ed' so to speak? It's a mine field of confusion, but i know that i for one, will never complain about a man acting like a gentleman, i think it would be a refreshing change from some of these men, who do nothing, think nothing and aspire to be nothing while treating women like dirt.  That's all for now xx

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Evening blogosphere, having just made dinner, i figured i'd give my blog a visit and post for the day.  The main thought lingering in my mind, do you move on, forget someone, stop loving them.  That is something that they never teach you at school, imagine MOVING ON 101: How to forget that ex, it would be an interesting class. I think the thing is, forgetting someone is something we have to learn for ourselves, have to blunder around in that painful darkness that surrounds us when someone dumps you, says they no longer want you in their lives...that whole, 'it's not you it's me' deal.  You have to learn to live without that one person that you relied on for so long, have to go back to that self-reliant person that you were before.  It's a daunting task, i know from personal experience but something that i learnt is that, you don't need people in your lives that don't need you in theirs, because it's pointless to hurt over people that aren't hurting over you, get it? There's this tumblr quote that i found that helped me a lot: "Sometimes you just gotta be your own hero and save your own little heart.  Because sometimes, the people you can't imagine living without, can live without you."  Just a thought, remember the greatest thing you can do in your life is to follow your dreams and passions, regardless of obstacles...whether the obstacle is a heartbreak, a bad mark, or people that don't believe in you, you just have to keep moving, because life will carry on going whether you're ready to move with it or not.  Be happy bloggers, life is too short not to be.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Welcome all, thanks to my good friend Kirsten, I've finally decided to give this blogging thing a try.  I'll use this awesome opportunity to muse out loud, my opinions and thoughts, and my daily experiences.  So I hope you enjoy.  As for the name, it is a self-created title that I made up a while ago, although traditional fey are creatures born of heaven and in the offspring of demons and angels, if memory serves me right, those are not the one's i am referring to.  I merely chose the name because Fairy's have always been known to have a close connection with the elements, specifically earth and air, which are my two ruling elements, therefore i wish to be a child of the fae, the nice ones at least.  As i strive to better this lovely gift of a planet by caring for it's fauna and flora.