Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Planning to kill my bird, interesting way to start a post...but right now it's the predominant thought in my brain...why you ask, because he will not stop screaming, the spoilt brat that he is. (facepalm) Anyway, moving onto to more interesting things, i do believe that i am finally over my ex, moving onto bigger and better things.  My question for you is : How do you know how to handle guys, because they're as confused as us i think, we fought so hard to be regarded as equals, that we have no made a bit of a mess when it comes to dating, because most guys no longer act like gentleman for the fear of a good talking to because some women find it insulting when, for example, the guy offers to pay for that lovely dinner.  So the thing is, who does the chasing now? Who makes the effort to talk to the other, or is it still the girl's job to be the one that is chased, 'woo-ed' so to speak? It's a mine field of confusion, but i know that i for one, will never complain about a man acting like a gentleman, i think it would be a refreshing change from some of these men, who do nothing, think nothing and aspire to be nothing while treating women like dirt.  That's all for now xx